The following lists show those who contributed to our different softwares.
Concepto GDI S.àr.l

Concepto est une société de services informatiques, active dans trois domaines principaux: développement, hébergement et création web. Website

Solar Energetics and Building physics Lab is located at the University of Applied Sciences of Western Switzerland. Since the beginning of the ‘80s, our group supports the building industry in the field of low energy and low environmental impacts buildings. Our team is made of experts in high efficient building envelope and equipments, solar energy (passive and active) and eco-construction. Website

Le laboratoire des Cultures Numériques du Projet Architectural est dirigé par le Professeur Bernard Cache, avec deux champs de recherche principaux:
- Transposer les méthodologies de conception et fabrication de l’industrie vers l’architecture.
- Inscrire cette transposition dans une tradition de la culture architecturale Il est rattaché à la Faculté
d’environnement naturel, architectural et construit (ENAC). Website

Le laboratoire d’énergie solaire et de physique du bâtiment (LESO-PB) déploie ses activités d’enseignement, de recherche et de transfert de technologies dans le domaine des énergies renouvelables et de la physique du bâtiment appliqués à l’environnement construit. Il est rattaché à la Faculté d’environnement naturel, architectural et construit (ENAC). Website

Infomind Ltd. is a center of competence for the analysis of thermal behavior in building constructions of any kind. It provides development of software solutions for simulation and optimization and offers its knowledge by consulting in this area.Website

Le département Architecture, bois et génie civil fait partie des principales hautes écoles suisses dans le domaine du génie civil et du bois et se profile comme une institution nationale dotée d’une perspective globale. L’un de ses principaux objectifs consiste à garantir et encourager les compétences techniques dans les domaines de l’architecture, du bois et du génie civil. Website

was founded in 1981 as an independent, private company. We provide sound scientific knowledge as well as broad practical experience gained from work on a large variety of projects. We offer reliable forecasts for every possible purpose - anywhere in the world. Applied Meteorology,Air Pollution Control,Geoinformatics,Database Solutions and Web Applications . Website
Vela Solaris

Vela Solaris AG is a privately-held Swiss corporation providing software solutions for the renewable energy sector. The company has been founded in 2007 as a spin-off of the Institute for Solar Technology SPF at the University of Applied Science Rapperswil (HSR) in Switzerland. With its main product Polysun, Vela Solaris is one of the leaders in the European market, combining software innovation with expertise in renewable energy. The features of Polysun cover solar thermal, heat pump, photovoltaic and cooling. Website

Intep –integrated planning: Our name is and has been our philosophy for more than 30 years. We combine experience and innovation, and have contributed to major developments and trends in the real estate sector since the 1980s. Consulting services for our clients and applied research are the driving forces of our daily work. Our main consulting fields include project management, sustainability management, facility management and real estate management.Website